Periodiskā tabula
Es nepārdodu, es palīdzu nopirkt!
By Kaspi4 26.01.2010 11:24:51
Member++ · 2,282 commentsVo laps. Un ar izdomu. Būtu tāds plakātiņš, ko pie sienas pielikt. Tikai datumi vel prasās.
Don't argue with an idiot - he'll drag you to his level and beat you with experience
By Andersons 26.01.2010 12:37:30
Member+ · 2,640 commentsIdeja super!
Team Velo+ Bottari Baltic
From 10km ITT to 1,500km ultra.
By kasio 26.01.2010 13:54:04
Member++ · 561 commentsVo laps. Un ar izdomu. Būtu tāds plakātiņš, ko pie sienas pielikt. Tikai datumi vel prasās.
plakaatinju pie vinjiem var nopirkt, jeb pats meegjinaat noprinteet/iespeist sources arii tur ir.
By raiter 27.01.2010 09:28:24
Member+ · 3,346 commentsBy bobcom 27.01.2010 11:58:49
Member++ · 1,217 commentsNeatradu 'RvM'... ;(
Caur atsperēm uz asterēm
By Baltais 27.01.2010 12:33:34
Local.Auth · 5,425 commentsdroši vien tabulas otrā pusē
Es nepārdodu, es palīdzu nopirkt!
By Baltais 26.01.2010 00:35:11
Local.Auth · 5,425 comments