
By IAeroI 14.11.2014 20:08:45

Member · 433 comments



By Kalvis99 14.11.2014 21:26:42

Member · 1,831 comments

Ziemas trenniņu iedvesmai:
http://www.superstarmagazine.com/you-ne … every-gym/

Last edited by Kalvis99 (14.11.2014 21:27:04)

Spārīte->Panther->Rock Machine->Giant->Cannondale F-Si Carbon->Scalpel?


By shim65 15.11.2014 10:56:22

Member · 288 comments
Kalvis99 wrote

Ziemas trenniņu iedvesmai:
http://www.superstarmagazine.com/you-ne … every-gym/

Aizmotorā uz 90 pa atkalu... big_smile

Still riding #26er/#Front Derailleur/#Alu


By Tantrix 18.11.2014 10:56:08

Member · 527 comments

gleznas , veidotas ar riepu nospiedumu palīdzību :


rakstiet lūdzu uz šo e mail : mareks.kirilovs13@gmail.com


By Vaskis 19.11.2014 14:01:16

Member · 2,612 comments

Kas tā apar dakšu?



By emils 19.11.2014 16:42:36

Member · 4,816 comments
Vaskis wrote

Kas tā apar dakšu?

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/ … 5952_o.jpg

SASO, vismaz tā BAP's viņas pozicionē


By Vaskis 19.11.2014 20:24:16

Member · 2,612 comments

Road cycling is not immune to Pareto Principle. 80% of races are won by 20% of racers. 80% of your time on the bike is spent on 20% of the gears you have on it. 80% of aero drag is caused by the rider and only 20% by the bike.

Is it true though? Does better equipment make you a better rider? Are you as good as your equipment? Or there’s more to cycling than your bike or your wheels?

http://www.roadcyclingzone.com/aerodyna … e-savings/


By Popkorna 20.11.2014 14:48:19

Member · 77 comments

Man tas pats jautājums par sēdekli - what the ?

Nepatīk smiltis.


By alx 26.11.2014 15:34:36

Member · 329 comments


MTB - 29er Superior 829
Road - Concorde Squadra


By prili4nij 26.11.2014 18:44:14

Member+ · 146 comments

Patīkami redzēt, ka Velomens māk diezgan sakarīgi izteikties, kas nav nemaz tik raksturīgi cilvēkiem, kas pavada daudz laika vienatnē uz riteņa.


By Laimigais 27.11.2014 10:00:01

Local.Shop · 3,167 comments

Cik viss, tomēr, ir vienkārši ...


Pievilcīgas cenas velosipēdiem
Zvani, raksti, prasi

26 ... 689 ... 689


By KKTK 27.11.2014 18:45:32

Member+ · 2,298 comments
Laimigais wrote

Cik viss, tomēr, ir vienkārši ...

Un velo vairs nevar uzstutēt otrādi...


By DZ 28.11.2014 03:33:09

Member · 3,501 comments

Par velo stuēšanu otrādi pa pirkstiem jādod wink

Lielākais serviss Jelgavā - www.activsport.lv


By gedrox 28.11.2014 08:24:31

Member · 80 comments
DZ wrote

Par velo stuēšanu otrādi pa pirkstiem jādod wink

Kas tur slikts?


By Papuass 28.11.2014 11:43:40

Member+ · 2,997 comments

Laikam jau saistīts ar tradīciju cienīšanu.

Rule #49 // Keep the rubber side down.
It is completely unacceptable to intentionally turn one’s steed upside down for any reason under any circumstances. Besides the risk of scratching the saddle, levers and stem, it is unprofessional and a disgrace to your loyal steed. The risk of the bike falling over is increased, wheel removal/replacement is made more difficult and your bidons will leak. The only reason a bicycle should ever be in an upside down position is during mid-rotation while crashing. This Rule also applies to upside down saddle-mount roof bars.23



By Laimigais 28.11.2014 11:48:54

Local.Shop · 3,167 comments

+1  smile

DZ wrote

Par velo stuēšanu otrādi pa pirkstiem jādod wink

Pievilcīgas cenas velosipēdiem
Zvani, raksti, prasi

26 ... 689 ... 689


By gedrox 28.11.2014 12:32:06

Member · 80 comments
Papuass wrote

Laikam jau saistīts ar tradīciju cienīšanu.

Rule #49 // Keep the rubber side down.
It is completely unacceptable to intentionally turn one’s steed upside down for any reason under any circumstances. Besides the risk of scratching the saddle, levers and stem, it is unprofessional and a disgrace to your loyal steed. The risk of the bike falling over is increased, wheel removal/replacement is made more difficult and your bidons will leak. The only reason a bicycle should ever be in an upside down position is during mid-rotation while crashing. This Rule also applies to upside down saddle-mount roof bars.23


Tad jau trasē nāksies ņemt velo-stendu līdzi.


By despecs 28.11.2014 23:17:34

Member · 1,745 comments

Latvijai 93
Latvijai 94
Latvijai 95
Latvijai 96

Sajūti zemes vibrācijas. /cietā dakša/


By KKTK 28.11.2014 23:29:38

Member+ · 2,298 comments
gedrox wrote

Tad jau trasē nāksies ņemt velo-stendu līdzi.

Tie kas ievēro tos likumus tak tik pa medaļām brauc. Ja gadās mīkstais, tad zelts vairs nespīd - var iet mājās big_smile



By Laimigais 29.11.2014 17:50:32

Local.Shop · 3,167 comments

Apskaužami skaisti nobraucieni

Pievilcīgas cenas velosipēdiem
Zvani, raksti, prasi

26 ... 689 ... 689


By averza 29.11.2014 21:35:34

Member++ · 5,039 comments
despecs wrote

Latvijai 96

Beidzot kadrā pilnībā salien Brīvības piemineklis smile


By KKTK 02.12.2014 18:02:27

Member+ · 2,298 comments

Zīmējumi izmantojot velosipēdu riepu nospiedumus


Un citas bildes http://bbq.lv/maksla/makslas-darbi-kuri … H3iNr5xgeM


By wrongway 05.12.2014 18:16:57

Member+ · 1,691 comments


Jā! Tava pakaļa, sēžot automašīnā, patiešām izskatās resna!


By suugoi 07.12.2014 22:36:09

Member+ · 1,469 comments

XCO Pasaukes Kausa čempions Žuliāns Absalons iemēģina savus spēkus CX sacensībās.
Kritiena sekas (tulkojums no franču valodas) - "After the first tests at the hospital I have a bad fracture of the clavicle with ematome and rib trauma. Bad crash Today at the cyclo cross regional championchip. The calerbone is broken..."

1x11 | 2x8 | SS | ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


By Kalvis99 08.12.2014 14:08:55

Member · 1,831 comments
suugoi wrote

XCO Pasaukes Kausa čempions Žuliāns Absalons iemēģina savus spēkus CX sacensībās.
Kritiena sekas (tulkojums no franču valodas) - "After the first tests at the hospital I have a bad fracture of the clavicle with ematome and rib trauma. Bad crash Today at the cyclo cross regional championchip. The calerbone is broken..."

https://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Julien … 8932425924

Spārīte->Panther->Rock Machine->Giant->Cannondale F-Si Carbon->Scalpel?


By DZ 09.12.2014 01:23:19

Member · 3,501 comments

Super aparāts smile

Lielākais serviss Jelgavā - www.activsport.lv


By Sram 09.12.2014 11:33:50

Member · 1,188 comments

izskats baigi OK, protams, ka vareja but no Karbona big_smile