Armstrongs neturpinās cīnīties ar USADA


By six13 15.01.2013 15:24:56

Member · 179 comments

Šodien medijos ir info, ka LA ir atzinies dopingu lietošanā, intervijas ieraksta laika, kura ilgusi 2.5 stundas.
Personīgi man pēc visa info ir skaidrs, ka viņs ir lietojis, vairāk intersants ir turpinājums. Spriežot pēc visa, veidojas Holivūdas filmas scenārijs, kā ASV iestādes, pateicoties LA paziņojumiem atklās, kurš UCI ir piesedzis viņa "veikumus", apmaiņā pret dalēju "reabilitāciju" ASV. Piezīme - US Postal ir valsts piederoša organizācija, savulaik tika partraukta federālā tiesvedība par US Postal līdzekļu izmantošana krapniecībai - dopingu izmantošanai US Postal Team laikā.


By uģisjan 15.01.2013 15:54:05

Member · 109 comments

Lance Armstrong, the ex-cyclist drummed out of
the sport for doping, answered the questions that "people around the world
have been waiting to hear" in an two-and-a-half hour interview, show host
Oprah Winfrey said Tuesday.
"I didn't get all the questions asked, but I think the most important
questions and the answers that people around the world have been waiting to
hear were answered," she said on CBS "This Morning." "I can only say I
was satisfied by the answers."


By MonvidsPalens 15.01.2013 16:18:24

Member+ · 706 comments

Armstronga mediju stratēģiju vada tas pats cilvēks, kurš vadīja Bila Klintona stratēģiju laikā, kad nācās nogludināt dažādus nesmukumus gan Whitewater skandāla kontekstā, gan  Monica Lewinsky attiecību drāmas laikā. pieļauju, ka Lensa "atzīšanās" versija konceptuāli daudz neatšķirsies no šīs


By uģisjan 16.01.2013 10:37:27

Member · 109 comments

The US government can take Lance Armstrong to
court once the fallen cycling hero publicly admits to doping, experts and
people familiar with the matter say.
Armstrong is said to have come clean about his use of performance-enhancing
drugs in an interview with Oprah Winfrey set to air on Thursday, his first
interview since being stripped of his seven Tour de France titles last year.
Until now Armstrong, 41, had strenuously denied doping allegations for several
years, even after a 1,000-page report by the US Anti-Doping Agency put him at
the heart of the greatest doping scandal in the annals of cycling.
"Because he has now admitted he doped, that makes it a lot easier to prove a
fraud claim," said sports lawyer Brian Socolow.
"Given that he has now said that he did use performance-enhancing drugs, the
government is given the opportunity to reopen an investigation."
Peter Keane, a law professor at Golden Gate University, said Armstrong could
face criminal prosecution over the government sponsorship he received while
riding on the US Postal team from 1998-2004.
"I'm talking about money, lots of money. I'm talking about liberty," he
told AFP.
The interview was Armstrong's first since he was stripped of his Tour de
France titles and came after more than a decade of vigorous denials that he had
used banned substances to win his way into the history books.
In terms of potential criminal charges, the case has enough of a high profile
for the government to consider prosecuting Armstrong for fraud, over millions
of dollars of public sponsorship, and for perjury, after his denials under oath,
according to Socolow of New York firm Loeb & Loeb.
In terms of civil charges, the Justice Department has until Thursday to join a
lawsuit filed in 2010 by Armstrong's former teammate Floyd Landis to
recuperate public funds disbursed to his US Postal team, a source close to the
matter said.
A court document shows that Landis's complaint has recourse to the False
Claims Act, allowing an individual to file a lawsuit against someone else or
against a company for having lied to the federal government.
The text allows the accuser to pocket 15 to 30 percent of the funds recuperated
by the government.
The government spent more than $30 million sponsoring US Postal, according to
The Wall Street Journal. Experts say the government can seek three times that
The Justice Department refused comment on any possible lawsuits, whether civil
or criminal. But a source close to the matter said there was no risk of
criminal prosecution.
Experts, however, say criminal charges could come if Armstrong admits to more
than just doping and confesses to distributing performance-enhancing drugs.
"I don't think the government -- or a majority of the American people --
have the stomach for a criminal suit," in light of Armstrong's widespread
popularity, said Jordan Kobritz, who chairs the Sport Management Department at
the State University of New York at Cortland.
The government has had lackluster success with perjury cases against athletes
who testified under oath about using illegal drugs, Socolow said.
It has spent millions of dollars in seeking to prosecute former baseball stars
Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds, with meager results.
A statute of limitations bars lawsuits for perjury more than five years after
declarations made under oath. And there are contradictory reports as to when
Armstrong made his declarations, with the oldest dating back to 2005.
However, "the government could investigate him for obstruction of justice if
he misled the grand jury investigation last year," said Michael McCann, set
to head a new Sports and Entertainment Law Institute at the University of New
Hampshire this fall.
Experts agree that Armstrong likely clinched an out-of-court agreement with the
government before speaking to Oprah.
"I'm sure his attorneys reviewed the potential impact an 'admission'
would have in all existing legal matters against him and all possible suits
that could result from his admission," said Kobritz.
Armstrong "will return either voluntarily or by force of law millions of
dollars of sponsors fees," predicted Socolow.
In addition to government prosecution and the Landis case, Armstrong could face
several civil complaints.
In Texas, sports insurer SCA wants to recoup at least $7.5 million in
performance bonuses paid to Armstrong in 2006 for multiple Tour victories.
The Sunday Times of Britain has sued him for more than £1 million ($1.6
million) over a 2006 libel payment.
It had paid Armstrong £300,000 to settle a libel case after publishing a story
suggesting he may have cheated, and now wants that money, plus interest and
legal costs, repaid.
And Livestrong donors may demand compensation after Armstrong's admission.
The foundation has raised more than $500 million since the cyclist founded it in


By Papuass 16.01.2013 11:50:11

Member+ · 2,978 comments

Amerikāņi taisa biznesu arī no šī. Interviju paredzēts sadalīt divās daļās, rīt un parīt.

Te intervija par interviju smile



By triscilveks 16.01.2013 21:38:27

Member · 382 comments

nedaudz jautājums ne pa tēmu - vai riteņbraukšanas problēma ar dopingu nerodas no tā, ka visās sacensībās ir tik garas distances? Manuprāt, ja distances dienas laikā nebūtu garākas par 100 km (kas nozīmētu visu pašreizējo vēsturisko sacensību galu), tad arī dopings iespēms nebūtu tik iedarbīgs un attiecīgi mazāk izplatīts. Varbūt riteņbraukšanai ir jāreformējas īsāku sacensību virzienā? jebkurā gadījumā pirmie 80% no distances parasti tiek pavadīti, lai gabalu pievarētu, nevis sacenšoties.

Trek 6500


By Eduards 16.01.2013 22:03:00

Member# · 2,686 comments

Tad kāpēc pieķēra Džonsu vai Luisu, kas skrēja 100m distances? Ne jau no distances garuma veidojas tieksme lietot dopingu.


By hmmzis 17.01.2013 12:39:13

Member · 84 comments

Dienas distances garums tur mazaak ko izsaka. Lielajaas tuurees kopeejaa distance, kas jaaveic tjaas 2-3 nedeeljaas ir tas, kas kauj nost. Izlasot Hamiltona graamataa arii rakstnieka pieziimes, vienaa no taam ir mineets, ka daudzi brauceeji pauzh viedokli, ka tiirie brauceeji ar dopingotaajiem var ciiniities aptuveni nedeelju garaas sacensiibaas. Peec aptuveni nedeeljas dopingotaajam paraadaas krietni lielaaka priekshrociiba (labaak atjaunojies, HC liimenis nekriitas u.c.) un tiirais var principaa pakot mantas.


By cello 17.01.2013 12:50:18

Local.Auth · 4,686 comments
hmmzis wrote

Dienas distances garums tur mazaak ko izsaka. Lielajaas tuurees kopeejaa distance, kas jaaveic tjaas 2-3 nedeeljaas ir tas, kas kauj nost. Izlasot Hamiltona graamataa arii rakstnieka pieziimes, vienaa no taam ir mineets, ka daudzi brauceeji pauzh viedokli, ka tiirie brauceeji ar dopingotaajiem var ciiniities aptuveni nedeelju garaas sacensiibaas. Peec aptuveni nedeeljas dopingotaajam paraadaas krietni lielaaka priekshrociiba (labaak atjaunojies, HC liimenis nekriitas u.c.) un tiirais var principaa pakot mantas.

Būs vēl "grāmatas ko lasīt" un noteikti Hollywood jau raksta scenāriju filmai par L.A.,jo grāmatas un filmas labu usd ražu ievāc!


By DzintarsP 17.01.2013 13:45:00

Member · 1,550 comments
cello wrote

Būs vēl "grāmatas ko lasīt" un noteikti Hollywood jau raksta scenāriju filmai par L.A.,jo grāmatas un filmas labu usd ražu ievāc!

ja pret L.A. sāks tiesāties ar prasībām atlīdzināt visus viņā iegulditos līdzekļus, tad viņam īpaši nekas cits neatliks, kā pašam uztaisīt kādu asa sižeta dokumentālo trileri par to kā šamais šmaucies utt. Kas zin, vēl pārspēs Avataru.


By Ansis 17.01.2013 15:02:02

Member++ · 3,687 comments
Eduards wrote

Tad kāpēc pieķēra Džonsu vai Luisu, kas skrēja 100m distances? Ne jau no distances garuma veidojas tieksme lietot dopingu.

Seulas Olimpiskajās spēlēs 1988.g. pieķēra uzvarētāju kanādieti Benu Džonsonu. Kā un kāpēc, ir vesels stāsts, populārs vieglatlētu aprindās. Īsumā, toreiz dopinga atklāšanas metodes bija ļoti dārgas, un PSRS piespēlēja SOK aparatūru viena noteikta dopinga tipa atklāšanai. Cerēja pieķert amerikāņus. Taču amerikāņi lietoja ko citu, un gluži nejauši uztrāpīja uz Kanādas sprintera lietoto.


By La Rive 17.01.2013 15:07:18

Member · 15 comments

šmaucies?...cik dienu distances tad pats esi nobraucis? Vai kādu no tām arī vinnēji? Tas tev nav Aerobike posms, kur "godīgi" posmu nogriezt.


By uģisjan 17.01.2013 15:15:21

Member · 109 comments

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) on
Thursday asked disgraced American cyclist Lance Armstrong to return the Olympic
bronze medal from the time-trial event at the 2000 Games in Sydney.


By ašers 17.01.2013 15:42:25

Member · 65 comments

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By MonvidsPalens 17.01.2013 15:50:43

Member+ · 706 comments

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By ašers 17.01.2013 15:53:20

Member · 65 comments

nu tad jau tik atliek paņemt vispār visus priekšā un ļaut braukt kādam citam, noteikti sports būtu interesantāks un uzvarēt varētu daudz vairāk cilvēku, nevis pārītis

tūrists labākajos gados.


By muno 17.01.2013 20:34:54

Member · 19 comments

btw, lai skatītos intervijas pirmo daļu tiešraidē, čekojat šonakt 04:00

Last edited by muno (17.01.2013 20:35:13)


By eBiker 18.01.2013 09:04:56

Member · 934 comments

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By ašers 18.01.2013 09:10:33

Member · 65 comments
eBiker wrote

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By 4444 18.01.2013 09:26:36

Member+ · 379 comments
ašers wrote
eBiker wrote

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By ašers 18.01.2013 09:29:16

Member · 65 comments  te ir nesadalīta pa daļām, pirmā puse

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By wheelie 18.01.2013 11:04:31

Member+ · 2,606 comments

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By janciiis 19.01.2013 11:38:31

Member · 7 comments

nuu baigi jau neko ta pat nepasaka,tikai to ka lietojis,vardus un parejo ta pat nesauc..nejau tur tikai viens cilveks vinu piesedza,tur tak bariem uz vinu varijas..tai laika,lreklamas ligumi bira,uzvaretajs vins bija,un viss visiem bija un nejau vins vienigais eda..tie kas zaudeja vinam par minuti utm,tak ari visi dopingotaji bija..tik nevaru saprast kapec vins tik krasi mainijas un tagad vel itka pasaka ka edis,lai visi beidzot liktos miera? vai ari lai turpinatu taisit naudu,jo komandas biedri izdod gramatas utt,piedalas pats sovos tagad